Services We Offer

Zip Code Services Offered

Zip Code Services™ offers you the following API resources for your Zip Code Geolocation needs.

Zip Code Geolocation

This API allows you to quickly and easily geocode a zip code.

Distance Between Zip Codes

This API allows you to quickly and easily determine the distance between zip codes.

Zip Codes in Radius

This API allows you to find zip codes within a given radius of another zip code.

Latitude/Longitude Location

This API allows you to quickly determine the location of a given latitude and longitude.

City/State Autocomplete

This API allows you to perform autocompletion functionality.

US States/Provinces

This API returns a list of states/provinces in the United States.

US Cities within a State

This API returns a list of cities in a given state/province in the United States.

US Counties within a State

This API returns a list of counties in a given state in the United States.